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Game Designer

Video Games have always been a large part of my life from as early as I can remember. Starting out with Smash and Mario Kart on the Game Cube to now playing MMOs and MOBAs on my PC, games have consistently played a large role in my life. While it started out as a simple-minded activity, something where I could kill monsters and defeat enemies, my passion grew into something more. As I matured I began to look deeper, finding beauty in the game, story line and people I met along the way. I soon realized it was this group of people, the video game community, which led me to decide I wanted to design the games I spent so much of my time playing and affect other people’s lives in a positive way, as it had affected mine.


I am now a Senior at the University of California, Irvine studying Computer Game Science. Studying games at UCI has allowed me the opportunity to grow my passions and knowledge of gaming by creating amazing projects and allowing me to take influential classes taught by industry professionals. The experience I have come away from these projects and classes with is priceless. I cannot wait to start my career as a Game Designer and influence others through my work.

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